Machinery Services UK Ltd
- Machinery
- Cutting
- Forming
- Refurbished and Second Hand Machinery
- Sawing
- Shaping
We are a 3rd Generation Family business who have specialised in woodworking machinery for just under 40 years. We specialise in panel processing machinery in particular postforming and edgebanding machines as well as other types of forming machinery including Thermoforming and Thermofoiling Machines. We represent Turanlar who have a range of machinery to compliment panel and worktop manufacturing and are the UK and Ireland agents for their full range of machinery. We also are the distributors for Global Vacuum Presses who sell a range of forming machines and ovens for thermoforming and thermofoiling various materials and products. As well as all of this we offer services in repairs and machine maintenance on wood waste machinery inc. Hoggers and Conveyor Systems. We believe due to our size and specificity of our work we can offer a unique service and sales experience you will not have experienced before.
The Yarn StoreWheatley Park
Lower Hopton
West Yorkshire
WF14 8HE
United Kingdom
Contact Exhibitor
The latest in a compact, high specification, hardworking edgebander. This has been our most popular model edgebander to date and it's easy to see why!